Sea Frost Shore Assist Systems


Shore Assist units are added to holdover plate systems to maintain the boat's refrigerator/freezer box at a set temperature via a thermostat when the boat is dockside. Tropically rated ducted air cooling is offered on the smaller models (SA-I and SA-II). When the boat is left unattended, air cooling offers reliability over water cooling which could be stopped by weeds and flotsam restricting the water intake.

The SA-I is fitted to a single block or single holdover plate. Air cooling is ducted to allow installation in a confined space. The SA-II is used in  multiple plate series systems. Air cooling is ducted to allow installation in a confined space. The SA-III, the largest capacity Shore Assist, is water cooled to maintain a compact size and to allow installation in a confined area. It is used with multiple plate systems and is standard with a twin valve system. The SA-III should be considered over an SA-II in a boat with a generator, as the rate of cooling is faster and greater benefit will result during the generator's operation.

Shore Assist systems are often purchases with the Engine Drive.

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