Grunert Polar Mate Arctic and Antarctic Models AC & DC Voltages


The Polar Mate from Grunert, provides 12 or 24 VDC, or 115 VAC marine refrigeration in a compact system. Components are specifically designed to fit in restricted areas aboard any vessel. Two models feature air or air/water cooled condensers for maximum versatility. Air cooled units are used when thru-hull fittings are not desired or when the vessel is hauled. Air/Water-cooled units also offer water cooling for increased efficiencies and redundant flexibility. Evaporator assemblies are available in both small and large capacities with custom configurations upon request.

The Polar Mate is deal for small boxes or day sailing applications. The units can be installed in any convenient location and are practically unaffected by vibration or moisture.


For more information or to purchase this product, please contact us.